Alumni Testimonials

My journey from MIBM till date had been very exciting and successful. I attribute a lot of it to the coaching & nurturing, I received from the institution from our professors & from all my peers who ensured that I could have a stimulating learning environment when I was at MIBM.
Mr. Sourabh Limje

Enrolling in MIBM was a valuable investment for me. In addition to broadening my perspective on business management, it has helped me to grow both professionally and personally. I have become more confident and learnt to face challenges head on and turn them into opportunities.
Ms. Rinkal Loungani

Don’t wait for your ship to come in… swim out to it... This philosophy pretty much sums up the culture at MIBM. Lucky to be and alumnus of this institution that prepares its students for the world outside. In adversity or adventure each day is an opportunity which one should grab.
Mr. Bhawesh Jain

MIBM is the right place for an exceptional learning, right attitude. The cultural activities & individual proactive approach toward success and professionalism in addition to the structured courses. The thought process became sharper and I achieved what I wanted to achieve.
Ms. Anustha Goswami

I enjoyed both the academic and non-academic life at campus: be it the rigorous assignments, class discussions, group work, in-class quizzes, competitions, informal group discussions. MIBM helped me develop a holistic view of the world around me.